OMG!!!! my hw is piling up... but i 2moro n mon still have fast start training le sia my muscle also haven heal yet was another slacky day as usual...went to play bball with ivan jp boon n their friens...the sun is !#$%#$ HOT!!!!! i think i almost became a fried chicken...played with some indonesians n china ppl...btw china ppl are really gays...they are the one play rough than say us pushing...fall once than dun wan play nb waste our time only... 6+ had bbq with course our grps which i dun even noe wat for...played games till 10+ than went home...btw i dyed my hair black:( cause kayakin cannot have cloloured hair, no piercings inlcluding ears for the guys, must have short hair n cant
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
whooo!!!! here to update again...suddenly like have alot of hw sia...colours contrast,tones n texture all need to finish by fri....and somemore still got 50sketches n nxt week will be starting 1x1m mural whoooo!!!! abit tiring but still liking it:) mr dennise didnt come sad:(,,,than the relieve person did not release us early somemore give us hw...$%^$&! after class went to library to chit chat again cause i dont have my materials to start my hw...5+ was abt to go home when i found out tat the kayakin trials were today @7pm so rush home than back to sch lucky wasnt late...the trials were abit tough but i like..its like ncc-(vulgarities+marching+embrassment)= kayaking...we had to do (15pushups+20crunches+1min bridge)x7times n a 1.6km run...from 40+guys n slowly eliminate till left 9 n wat do you know...i made it \o_o/whoooo!!!!.... for once my time at ncc paid off:) all my knees n elbows all red colour due to the running track....but its all worth it....hope tat i can made it through 3 yrs without stress....
Sunday, April 25, 2010
whooo!!!!! so long nvr post le.... poly have been slack n fun!!! i have made the right choice goin to tp!!!! yesterday woke up at 10, prepare than went to play bball at skcc with sk wz n jp....played till 1+ than went to find naqib n mrted to vivo to meet ck....ate lunch than went to there slack n played some games got 'CBvsLJ" stuffed with sand by the seniors but lucky nvr get thrown into the sea...and i seriously mean THROW!!! to noe new friend too...7+went back to vivo...on the monorail, 1 guy was playin the guitar n every tp design in the monorial was singin 'im yours' there were even an angmoh singing along n videoin 1 even thought we were performing n gave $$$...we sing till we went to eat sia everyone was lookin at us but wasnt embrasses in fact i was quiet liking it:)...hahaha to went to dapao, yunting n sitian came too...went to top floor n all of us eat together....the 70+ of us like some crazy ppl shouting vulgaraties n saying we are from np le than slack n took photos...found out tat is not just us but the whole of desgn love to bitch n gossip about ppl especially the seniors...have found a common trait in all of us...n tats bitching!!! mrted home at 11+....
Monday, April 19, 2010
today sch was slack slack!!! me like!! cab to temasek with ck naqib n kc as usual...for the past days we ahve been cabbing to teamsek n home cause its cheaper compared to im sure its the first tym u all hear tat cab is cheaper than bus o.o... reached there at 7+ n ck realise he forgot to bush his teeth in the he went to buy toothbrush n toothpaste n brush in sch wtf!!! the girls reached rightafter we alighted... after tat had a 3hr talk till 12pm which was quiet ok with some occasional jokes:)... lesson actually from 12to3 de but the lecturer move to 3to6 so we had a long lunch break n played truth or dare in the library....the dare was omfg hilarious!!! sooooo funny we laugh like crazy...i had to do a pole dance around sitian had to propose to naqib lol...2.45 went to the lecture theater...n the lecture was fking boring...everyone was slping sia the lecturer was talking so soft tat ppl behind had to telll him to spek into the mic than the lecturer gave the 0.0face lol...ended by 5 n we all went to rivervale mall to buy stuff for thurs...but in the end bought went to cp montique(ps dunno how to spell) cause ck n naqib wan but got to get used to this cause im now a design student maybe in a few months i will be buyin hairbands too...saw a veryvery nice ring n will get it by 2moro must!!!went home at 8...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
omg finally i can blog!!! had to reformat my com just to blog...sooo many things has happen this past few days....ok actually only 2 things happen n it was FOC n DOC!!!!!!which was damn fking FUN!!!! first was FOC which was frm 8th-10th...go there everyone was crazy....high like grp was ZADAZ the best grp ever!!!! played lots of games, had free meals n slept in the hall...found out that karhei went the camp too n also my view of him totally change 720degree due to other stuff...activities was fun especially the water games...seriously this is the best camp ever!!! good food! nobody rush u when bathing! everyones so friendly! and lastly the GLs is the best!!! after this the DOC camp was from 13th-16th...was in fornex!!found out that iskandar n ck was in the same grp cause they grp by your location...on the first day, evryone was still shy so it was abit boring...somemore the activities was not well prepared...on 2nd day we began to get closer made new friends also had nightwalk which was damn scary althought u noe they were ppl but was still scary walk till 12am+ went to bathe than wait until 3am+ cause got other ppl still walkin the nightwalk...3rd day was getting better cause now everyone's more bonded n we had performance night...4th day was regatta day watch others dragonboat while i participate in the won the best spirted award twice in the row...went back to sch...actually thought dismiss le but we all got squeeze together n ppl from 2nd,3rd,4th stories started pouring water down...everyone was soaking wet... we exchange our wishes n nos. on a photo,got our barang barang than went off.. our grp taxi backed to cp n had dinner there since everone lives in sengkang...we chat till 11 than went home...but than they suddenly say banquet got alot of rats n went to check it out n wat do u noe, there were really alot of rats...around 20+ was seen disgusting will nvr eat at there ever...
Monday, April 05, 2010
weekends are the same now...boring...feels like just another normal day...cant wait for sch start so tat i can look forward to weekends lke b4...ri went to bbq with clique..and as usual we did stupid things: climbing the sculpture n craping ourselves in the process, flying kite while sitting on bench n blowing ashes into our just like last tym...however as time past i dunno weather this will time past im getting less n less positve....haizz even my blog post is getting 'emo'ier as time past...after bbq played bball than slack at 7-11 talking crap...."waaa chenfara 二十八岁了还着么美" everything we crap also can crap till went to doubhy play arcade than went boon bought bags than they went to eat...i went to buy the $1.30 bread with egg intro by boon which is very very nice...afer tat went to play lan at douby...felt like got scam cause duuno how to use the com so waste time...mrted home after tat...sunday went bball in the evening with wz sk boon...dunno why very tired+sian... hahha and did some thing tat wz cant do haha lol...he's now very mad and he's goin to kill me in cs 2moro...
This is sunny/써니/미순규 from snsd/소녀시대, and she's my idol!!!

Friday, April 02, 2010
haven blog for many many days le...its not tat i was lazy but my life is just too boring....every day bball, pool, eat, slp,com, facebook....for weeks...i really really seriously cant wait for sch start...but once sch start, i cant see my friends as much le... life's so cruel u've got to sacrifise something for another to gain...wonder would i have the same type of friends at poly???yesteday was april fool's day...stayed home until 6+ than went out to hougang green to play lan with boon,jp,sk,jean n des... played cs as usual until 9.30...went o eat touhua than bused home...2moro will be having bbq at anchorvale...craving for boon's fried rice wonder will it be nice...there will be 9 idiots sitting under the hot sun in the middle of the field, waiting for bbq food...
hi im vinson but u can call me:빈슨(binsun)... and after living on earth for 16yrs,5months,3days, i have 9 best friends, a laggy internet, no iphone n currently an empty stomach...oh!! wat a wonderful life...
hi im vinson but u can call me:빈슨(binsun)... and after living on earth for 16yrs,5months,3days, i have 9 best friends, a laggy internet, no iphone n currently an empty stomach...oh!! wat a wonderful life...