today was a fun fun day...haha1st was mt but i selpt through almost the whole of listing compre paper... nxt was eng n wat do u noe...i pass my english!!! so suprise i did so well n also win shannon...haha but my other subjects were dissapointing especially chem T.T...after sch went to com lab to do dnt research n after finish when to play face book typing bt i was too slow le... went to eat lemon chicken chop with egg n ice milo at kopitiam found out tat i have been eating tat same food for very long long time le...went back to sch to play bball with some fk up ppl... wz almost wack him sia...went home bathe than went back sch again... play ping pong than went to canteen to talk crap with ms mich jean boon n wz...they than went out to eat n went back for math night class... as usual there were alot of shoutin n screamin which some was cause by me wong was also still scoldin ppl bt at least he got go though quite alot of qs. when out n ms bought a box of sparkles... went to play with shaik jega boon wz jp jean ms n mich but dunno where to go so walk around than finally decided to play.... at a road.... i sited down n they started doin stupid things... ppl from the flats were clappin for us haha...found out tat mich hand is slow cant make circles n shaik i also slow like lsm haha...when to tapao than home at 10...
use fire, use fire...ahhh you lost...

failed heart-making

we gave light to rats...
use fire, use fire...ahhh you lost...
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