tagged by wendy(sry took so long to do this)
1. Beside your lips,where is the fav spot to get kissed.-dun noe??
2. How do u feel when u wake up this morning? sian nid to go sch le
3. Who was the last person u took photo with? frogot le
4. Would you consider yourself to be spoilt? ya of course i have a maid for my whole life
5. Would u ever donate blood?- Yeah! nooo i scare
6. Have u ever had a best friend that is opposite sex?maybe
7. Do you want someone dead?- yes alot im evil
8. What does your last text msgs says? cant tell
9. What are u thinking right now? y am i doin tis stupid quiz
10. Do u wish someone to be with you now? yes my friends
11. What is the time you go to bed last night? 11pm
12. Where did u buy the tshirt u are wearing now? not wearing shirt now, at home why wear?
13. Is someone on your mind right now? yes
14.Who is the last person that text you? jp
10 persons to tagged this quiz.
15.Who is number 2 having relationship with? dun noe, jp?
16. Is 3 a male or female? shes a food clearing machine
17. If 7 and 10 are tgt, would it be good? 7 would get wack by 10's ganster bf
18. What is no.1 studying abt? poa n other stuffs he also learing how to open his eyes
19. When is the last time u had a chat with them?-today
20. Is 4 single? i think not
21. Say something about number two. he makes cold cold jokes
22. What do u think about 3 and 6 tgt. they would be the super laughing couple
23. Describe nine big big eyes n very rich
24. What do u do if 6 and 7 fight? 6 would laugh until 7 turn deaf
25. Describe 8. he is super super weird n also my racist friend
today sch was super borin... cme nid go hall to hear mr wong speak... after tat went home n got ready n went 4 ncc. today ncc everyone play soccer at the field 1st tym in my 4 yrs tat i have play wif everone 4 more than 30mins..after tat went home n than to 225 to play bball wif jp sk wz jean des n mich.. very fun to shua ppl... went to plaza n back home at 9+
sry mich for knockin into u