today was very busy bt fun. woke up at 10 went to gym witn wz jp n hanlin. rush home n went out again to meet wz jp mich jean des n lsm for SK BDAY!!! went to print photos for his card n 1 got his slpin face. went to eat mac than continue to draw my map 4 sk's treasure hunt game. all of us bought him a op shirt n a choc cake. we play the adventures of daidai (bt i like the chronicles of daidai better) he nid to do dumb things at every station. went to 225 skss ranggun mich house future park plaza n my house. dinner at kfc after finish eatin found out tat it was rainin so share umbrella with mich to go home n take more umbrella 4 the others bt the umbrella was useless n i still got wet:(... they went to my house to sing bday song n the眼睛变大song... cut cake n my father ask them want to drink red wine anot, a 1st they dun want bt in the end we still drink. we finish the whole bottle by playin 猜拳!! n open another bottle of white wine. but only finish half. we also say tat later drunk le wat we goin to do.... like askin direction from cat n dogs, seein cat dogs brids fishes in our room n also later shoutin 5 10 15 in our slp... lol they went home at 10.30 n i went to bathe...
the 2 wine tat we drank