yesterday went out with benny sebastian lester ivan jackie stella wendy miss loy n mr lee 4 our little reunion dinner at toa payoh. had alot of fun and laughters as ivan n benny were tellin stupid jokes. after dinner sit at the place to chat while waiting 4 jackie to come. at 9 plus we bused back to seng kang while the teacher went home. lester n sebas also went home 1st so the rest of us went to the playground to chat n do stupid stunts. went home 1st at 11 plus.......
Your Shamrock Says You Are Level-Headed |
![]() You are brilliant, analytical, and somewhat of a perfectionist. You are ultra competent and knowledgeable. At times, people find you intimidating. You can be a bit sarcastic and harsh. You don't really consider yourself a lucky person. In your view, people create their own luck. You are creative, innovative, and complicated. You definitely have a unique spin on the world. |
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