Friday, November 14, 2008

just came home from chalet, was quite fun. it was like a gambling den.i n some others were playing poker upstairs while the others were playing mahjong. galvin was very funny as he was goin around molesting ppl kailing was also sitting at a corner taking photos of herself .at 2am+ some of us went to walk around the park.i was fooling around wif the water gun which brandon stole while the others were carrying each other. ther was also 1 couple acting emo holding hands walking very fast n stiff infront of us. when we were walking back we saw a group of 20+ ppl running towars de carpark, at 1st it thought they were playing catching bt after a while another group of 40+ ppl were chasing them wif glass bottles. we were like standing there stun watching free show. reach back chalet at 4 n were getting ready to brandon n jun chin were still makin alot of noises so asm shout at them. my ear drum almost burst la as she was next to 5am when we were all drifting to slp, UBIN came in to slp. he squeeze in wif brandon n joshua while kenneth were making fun of him saying tat he can take up the space of 3 ppl. he also scare me saying that if ubin roll down the bed, i, asm n his leg confirm GONE de so i quickly change my postion. rest until 8 got up n when i open the door saw lester slping on the stairs, teck yeow on the very dirty floor n wz on the mahjong table. kenneth continue to disturb ubin which cause kenneth to get squash by ubin. joshua also got flatten by ubin. breakfastat BK than bused home. at 5 met wif jean wendy jun hao kenneth n ah tuan to play bball at 225 bt it started to rain so they move in a void deck and play mahjong wif mini tiles. went home 4 dinner at 7 and wanted to go kenneth house de bt parents dun let so stayed home play com lor.


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